[채용]지보단코리아 계약직 채용 안내

작성자 식품공학과 날짜 2024-12-03 14:18:51 상태 마감

지보단코리아 계약직 채용 안내(~12/4 6PM)


1. 기업명: 지보단코리아

2. 지원자격: 영어 구사 능력 중요(읽기 및 쓰기 능력 중요)

3. 월 급여: 291만원(+교통비 8만원, 식대 10만원)

4. 제출서류: 지원서(국문 및 영문), 자기소개서(국문 및 영문)

5. 기타: 1년 계약직 채용이지만 정규직 전환 가능성 있음

6. 문의: 송상훈 교수(010-9149-7066)


세부사항은 아래 사항을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 


Job Purpose

Perform most complex/critical administrative and lab tasks in order to ensure efficient operations of the office/business unit and support personnel in their duties, according to company’s policies and local requirements.

Core Responsibility

1. Sales and Office administration
 - Perform office duties: type up/ request documents, perform filing, update records based on  regulations 
 - Maintain office supplies, stock control and sourcing

2. Lab Application
 - Sampling key consumer product applications (personal, fabric and fine fragrance products) required
 - Lab appliance control: source the required lab appliances, stock management.
3. Logistics 
 - Manage in/out bound shipments with international freights (Fedex, DHL,  etc.).
 - Domestic /oversea market product sourcing when required
4. Other Adhoc required upon the cases. 

Job Requirements
 - Fluent/ Business Essential English
 - Mid-High level of Computer literacy (MS Office- excel, PowerPoint)
 - Collaborative and positive working attitude 
 - Agility, high efficiency and well organized working behavior at work
 - Extended business skills (problem solving, communication, presentation skill, etc.) as advantage.